tips - Debian Perl Group tips and tricks


This is a small guide describing functions, aliases and scripts used by Perl team members to make life easier when packaging perl modules.

Contributions are welcome.

If you think you are using an interesting script or such, feel free to add it on this page.

1. Scripts

A lot of useful scripts can be found in the pkg-perl-tools package, either as

    dpt $subcommand

or in /usr/share/doc/pkg-perl-tools/examples.

2. Aliases

    # download upstream tarball and import it into git-buildpackage
    alias git-uscan='gbp-pull ; git-import-orig --uscan ; rm ../*.tar.gz'

    # quickly edit your aliases/functions
    # presumes ~/.aliases is loaded on shell startup
    alias ale='vim ~/.aliases; unalias -a; source ~/.aliases'

3. Functions

    # afsp = apt-file search $perl; obsolete since `dh-make-perl locate'
    function afsp {
        apt-file search $(echo "/$@" | sed -e 's|::|/|g ; s|-|/|g ; s|$|.pm|') | uniq

    # extract package details. used in the rest below
        dpkg-parsechangelog|grep ^$1|cut -f2 -d' '

    # run lintian and diffstat on the package built in pbuilder result/
    # directory
    # package name is deduced from ./debian.
    # all argumentts are given to lintian
        local PKG=`pkg_info Source:`
        local VER=`pkg_info Version:|sed 's/^.\+://'`
        local ARCH=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`

        local PDB=/var/cache/pbuilder/result

        local CMD="lintian $@ -I --color=auto ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes"
        echo $CMD

        if [ -e ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}.diff.gz ]; then
            echo diffstat ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}.diff.gz
            diffstat ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}.diff.gz
            echo Native package.

    # show upstream/debian/binary differences between the version in the
    # archive and the built package in pbuilder result/ directory
    # package name deduced from ./debian/
        local PKG=`pkg_info Source:`
        local VER=`pkg_info Version:|sed 's/^.\+://'`
        local ARCH=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`

        local PDB=/var/cache/pbuilder/result
        BINS=`awk '/^Package: /{print $2}' < debian/control`

        TMP=`mktemp -d`
        trap "rm -r $TMP" INT TERM QUIT
        (cd $TMP && apt-get -t sid -d source ${PKG})
        ( echo "UPSTREAM DIFF"; debdiff -w $TMP/*.dsc ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}.dsc \
            | filterdiff -x '*/debian/*' ) \
                | tee $PDB/${PKG}_${VER}-upstream.diff | colordiff | less -R
        ( echo "DEBIAN DIFF"; debdiff -w $TMP/*.dsc ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}.dsc \
            | filterdiff -i '*/debian/*' ) \
                | tee ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}-debian.diff | colordiff | less -R
        ( cd $TMP && mkdir -p archives/partial && for b in $BINS; do apt-get -o Dir::Cache=. -o Debug::NoLocking=1 install --reinstall -y -d -t sid $b/unstable; done )
        ( cd $TMP && for p in $BINS; do echo "DEBDIFF $p"; echo "============"; debdiff --wl archives/${p}_*.deb ${PDB}/${p}_${VER}*.deb; echo; done ) \
            | tee ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}-deb.diff \
            | less -R

    # debc on the package in the pbuilder result/ directory
        local PKG=`pkg_info Source:`
        local VER=`pkg_info Version:|sed 's/^.\+://'`
        local ARCH=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`

        local PDB=/var/cache/pbuilder/result

        echo debc ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes
        debc ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes|less

    # sign and upload the package from pbuilder result/ directory
    # any arguments are passed to debsign (-k $SELF useful when sponsoring)
        local PKG=`pkg_info Source:`
        local VER=`pkg_info Version:|sed 's/^.\+://'`
        local ARCH=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`

        local PDB=/var/cache/pbuilder/result

        echo debsign $* ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes
        debsign $* ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes

        echo dupload --to debian ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes
        dupload --to debian ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes

    # upload package from pbuilder result/ directory to local apt reposutory
    # useful for making packages in NEW available to pbuilder
        local DEST
        if [ -z "$DEST" ]; then
            echo "Synopsys: lpdb DEST"
            return 1

        local PKG=`pkg_info Source:`
        local VER=`pkg_info Version:|sed 's/^.\+://'`
        local ARCH=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`

        local PDB=/var/cache/pbuilder/result

        reprepro -b /disk1/test-repo/$DEST include sid ${PDB}/${PKG}_${VER}_${ARCH}.changes

    # run development version of dh-make-perl
    # obsolete since pkg-perl-tools 0.74, which includes /usr/bin/dh-make-perl-dev
    dh-make-perl-dev() {
        local DHMP=~/work/debian/pkg-perl/apps/dh-make-perl
        PERL5LIB=$DHMP/lib $DHMP/dh-make-perl --data-dir $DHMP/share "$@"

4. Configuration

To run dpt-* scripts from git, the following can be used in ~/.dpt.conf or ~/.config/dpt.conf:

    export PERL5LIB=$DPT_PACKAGES/pkg-perl-tools/lib

Authors and Contributors


Copyright (c) 2009-2023 by the individual authors and contributors noted above. All rights reserved. This document is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself

Perl is distributed under your choice of the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License. On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' and the Artistic License in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic'.