The Debian Perl Group


  • 3 Mailing Lists (Package Maintenance, Commits and General Perl Discussion)
  • IRC (#debian-perl on OFTC, e.g.
  • Annual real-life meetings at DebConf

Always in need of more man-power

  • Always happy about new members
  • Open for newcomers
  • Next real-life meeting at DebConf 13 in Vaumarcus NE, Switzerland (11.-18. August 2013)


Version Control

  • Git used as VCS since 2011 (started with CVS, then moved to Subversion), see also Debian Perl Group Git Guide
  • One Git repository per source package (previously one big Subversion repository)
  • mr used to work on multiple Git repositories at the same time.
  • Commit notifications on IRC provided by KGB.
  • pristine-tar: regenerates a pristine upstream tarball using only a small binary delta file and a copy of the source which can be a revision control checkout.

Creating New Packages

Package Entropy Tracker

Upstream FAQ


Perl Upstream Authors

Thanks! You are great!

Thanks for helping to prepare these slides

  • Gregor Herrmann
  • Salvatore Bonaccorso

